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Destinos Turisticos Group Peru

Portal de Panes 123 oficina 101, Plaza de Armas, Cuzco-Peru, Tel: (51)-84-595552,

For all your travel needs in Peru

SEO settings

GavernWP has SEO settings built – in which allow to overwrite WordPress standard SEO settings. After switching on “Use Gavern SEO settings” option, a lot of options connected with SEO will appear:

The first group of options is connected with page’s title:

  • Use blogname in title – this option allows to switch on showing a blogname in the title
  • Separator used in title – it specifies a separator which is between a title description and a pages’s name
  • Title – description – it allows to specify page’s title description (the first part of a title – before a separator)
  • Title – blogname – it allows to specify page’s name (the second part of a title after a separator)

The remaining options allow to switch on advanced management of keywords and description metatags:

In the case of a homepage, these metatags values are specified in a SEO settings panel whereas in the case of subpages, there are two settings available for both metatags:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (custom field in the post editor)

When you switch on these settings, under a posts editor two additional fields will appear:

If you fill them in, metatags used on one subpage with an entry will be created.

icon_envelope_smlFor reservations or more information please fill out the document below and give a click on the send button.